Thanks, Dwight Schrute. That was a highlight in our week. However, you may not extract our queen and place her on a flushable wipe. She's too valuable for such petty things.
Ah, Bees! We have had our bees for a little over a week. Check out how awesomely unaware and inexperienced we are at keeping them. We checked on them for the first time this Saturday and they haven't all flown off and ditched us yet.
In fact to our delight and surprise they had already started making honey! Apparently, they need to work their bee magic on it longer before it can be applied to toast. Thankfully, we knew this or we'd be having an unpleasant week of restroom familiarization.
Our little workers even started making their own comb. See the honey inside? The comb was so light and fragile. We stuck some in the freezer for show-n-tell for our friends. Thank you all for humoring us. You've been great. If we get a little too excited go ahead and tell us so. Then we'll proceed to tell you how awesome it to have bees and that everyone should jump on the band wagon. When they fly off into the setting sun shouting insults and we cry on your shoulder then you can proceed to tell us how awesome it is not having bees mess up your emotional stability.
It would appear that dogs like honey. As well as honey comb. Who knew? Yeah, probably not the best idea to get them addicted to it. At least we have this kick-butt pest control fence. The dogs are actually part of the pest control management. Hopefully this doesn't turn into a case of the fox guarding the hen house.
Instructions were relied on heavily from our trusty Beekeeping for Dummies during the installation process. We each hived a nuc and made Harrell modifications when needed. Good times!
Our bees did not arrive in the mail, as is the usual manner of delivery. We'll have to try it someday to see the reaction at the post office. Bet that delivery guy won't skip us for having a motorcycle parked within 10 ft. of the mailbox that day. Our lucky bees were picked up from the supplier in Alabama and drove overnight to arrive in our hands by 8:30 the next morning. See all those boxes of bees! We were last on the list. This guy had already stopped at three other towns before he got to us.
Hey, I'm first! Love the bees!. I am so lucky to have such cool kids! The dogs are sure growing. Hope to taste that honey this fall when we come visit. XXOO
That looks fun. It doesn't seem like there would be too much maintenance, is there?
I watched the video's today - nice.
This is SO COOL!
I would totally get bees and stick them on my roof or something if I didn't think I'd be evicted for it. And I'm with mom, those are some huge puppies, but they seemed pretty calm in the videos.
The video was awesome. I want bees. I doubt that they'll hand deliver to us in Alaska though. We'll have to try it next summer. We'll see how many times you get stung before we try. Love Mom
Nice BEES!!!
So I think Ryan wants Bee's now, but I think Bocy will eat them all. So lets not, and say we did!
Here's a post from another blog about bees. Thought you might like it. Your's was more fun though. I have a friend with bees here in Eagle River and there is also a bee society or somethig like that in town. :)
That is freaking sweet. I hope you have beeter luck than me with bee's. You know the stop, drop and roll method.... ya does NOT work with bee's!!!!, espeacal when you find out later that your rolling around on A huge hole in the ground........Anyways.... Miss you guy's.
Bawwhaaw! Spencer if they were in the ground they weren't honey bees. Probably yellow jackets or something. Which give bees a bad name. Stop, drop and roll are you insane! Try running for your life instead. Or using smoke to distract them. Dave is good at conjuring up some on demand with his wicked mind powers. Just think real hard and it might come out of your ears.
Yippee!! We LOVE beekeeping! It's a great hobby with sweet rewards. ;)
nice work
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