How to teach dogs to swim.
1. Ask them nicely to swim.
2. Throw something dog likes into the water.
3. Wade into the water so dog can swim to you.
4. Finally admit to yourself that none of these things work, chase down dog, hold by collar, drag into deep water.
5. Pat yourself on the back. Your dog can now swim.
6. Check yourself for leeches.
You know dogs can swim and don't actually need to be taught, right? Whether or not they are in the mood is a different issue though.
Sully didn't look like he was in the mood! Cute video though.
Maybe if you got Sully some of those arm-floaties, he'd wanna go in.
We'll have to try the arm-floaties thing. We can only get Sam in with a bribe. Since he's obsessed with anything he can chase, catch or retrieve that works out nicely. He'd follow a stick into a lava flow. Sully is obsessed with stealing from Sam. Maybe floaties, hmm.
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