Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sorry Honey!

"Sorry honey, sorry honey, sorry honey!" Heard tumbling from Dave at high speed, high volume and pitch. In sync to his person barreling from the bathroom, through the house and out the front door.  Upon further inspection to this spontaneous event Dave was 
discovered on the lawn having just put out a small fire. 
Located in the bathroom trash can. 

It took at least an hour to be rid of both the chuckles and large silly grin.

Rationing the matches may be in order. Does anyone think that extreme?


Jenny said...

Which is why you should never be allowed to play with matches unsupervised.

Anonymous said...

Rationing matches? More like removing matches, lighters, and anything other items that could possibly used alone or in combination to start a fire.

Dave said...

Did you forget about rubbing sticks together?

Anonymous said...

No. That would be "other items that possibly be used alone or in combination to start a fire." Magnifying glass, flint and steel, and anything that could produce a spark would also qualify.

coolmom said...

So what was burning?

Anonymous said...

That's what she said!

Anonymous said...

When I read this to Ryan, for some reason he thought I said Dave was bearing all with no clothes, I feel sorry for his mental picture. I will now cure him!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!
No he was fully clothed. Thank goodness. The neighbors would never let us hear the end of that one.
I wish I had a picture of him at the time I found him. So this discription will have to suffice. Standing on the lawn, in the dark, starring into the trach can he was carrying. Which was full of blackened contents.

His look was classic. Relief at the trash can for not exploding. Sorrowfull for having almost burned down the house. Cringing in antincipation at my response. Relief at the laughter that errupted out of me.

Every day's an adventure.

Brady said...

I think you could call up the Travis Air Force Base, Military Police, Scorched Palm Tree Division and they may have (based on their archival records) a few recommendations for what resources Dave should or should not have access to.
Dave is tricky though- he can do damage by putting OUT fires almost as well as he can by STARTING them (a very cold week one February in Alaska comes to mind when SOMEHOW our pilot light went out...)
This swift adeptness at anything fire is why Dave is such a good guy to have on your team. Miss you bro

Anonymous said...

Just curious...considering this fire appears to have been in a trash can in the bathroom, why didn't Dave use the several water sources immediately at hand to extinguish the fire rather than running through the house and out the front door with a flaming trash can in hand?

Dave said...

To answer you question c, because I didn't want to clog the toilet.

brady, how many times to I have to say I'm sorry? Gosh!

Brady said...

it was meant to be a compliment... sort of.

sorry we didn't get to go last weekend. i've been a real loser at calling people back lately (not just you)- we really wanted to go but both of us had to do stuff monday. we REALLY want to meet up sometime.

Dave said...

no worries, mate.