Sunday, September 2, 2007

So helpful.

I called my wife on the way home from work earlier this week and she told me that she had a surprise waiting for me when i got home sitting on the living room table.  My first thought was that it was candy.  Because I love candy.  Then I thought it was some mess I made and didn't put away that she moved to the foreground, thereby helping me to remember to clean it up.  She is very helpful.  But what to my wondering eyes should appear, but an altogether different species of what-the-crap.  It was a cute little bird nest about the size of a softball, with two little peanut M&M-sized eggs.  A note next to the nest said that she found this belated Easter surprise in the dryer vent.  Hot freaking dog.  That explains why our clothes were not getting dry.  She is so helpful.

This is the picture she took before extracting the nest.  It was about a foot in from the duct cover.  The cover flaps were melted by the intense heat of our last dryer.  We only used it once because we thought it might have a meltdown or explode.  Then our new posh dryer blanked out for a while and sometime during that episode a little bird build its nest
...of death.
Anyway- Happy Labor Day everyone.


Jenny said...


Dave said...

Yes. Moment of silence for the baby birdies.

Bryan & Bobbie said...

Quick! turn the dryer back on and make an egg salad sandwich.