Monday, October 5, 2009

"As I went down to the river to pray,"

My Mom and sister are currently here while awaiting the arrival of the "late" bebe and we are having a blast. While describing to them an incident that we witnessed a couple months ago behind our house I realized that it still needed to be shared with "ya all".

As far as we can tell, there were close to a hundred people that got baptised. Less than 24 hours prior while Dave and I were fishing, yes, even I, went fishing, I spotted a 4 foot black snake swimming up stream in the exact spot those people are getting dunked. The group was out there for about two hours before they got through everyone. Dave, who was "there first" did not let it disrupt his fishing. He never did snag one. But got to wear that smashing hat and was entertained while trying to bring home dinner.


Bryan & Bobbie said...

That's freakin hilarious you're standing there fishing only a few yards up from where they are doing their thing. Classic Dave.

Spitfire said...

Wow. It's probably those crazy mormons. Atleast it didn't hinder your fishing!

coolmom said...

They probably scared the snake to death. Too bad you didn't catch anything.